Creating an Event Group

What is an Event Group?

An event group is a group of events (e.g. product viewed, product purchased, level played) or event properties (e.g. brand of product, price of product, name of level).

Event groups can be used to limit the scope of an analysis. When conducting a Goal Drivers analysis, for example, you can determine which events or event property values to analyze as potential drivers. So let’s say you have an e-commerce website and would like to know which brands drive purchasing behavior – you can create an event group of brands (e.g. Nike, Adidas, etc.) and set that as the scope of the analysis.

How to create an event group

  1. Log into Loops and click “Data Management” in the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Click “Event Groups” in the left-side menu.
  3. Click the Create Event Group button at the top-right corner of the screen, and a dialog box will appear.

  4. Enter a name and description for your event group.
  5. Select an entity for the funnel – that is, whether it should include events on the “User” or “Account” level.
    • Note that the list of available events will only include those from relevant views. For example: if you choose “User”, you may be able to create an event group that includes the event “user_created”, but not “account_created”.
  6. Define your event group based on one of the following:
    • Events – you can add multiple events to an event group. An optional “where” clause allows you to specify additional conditions that need to be met for the event to be counted.
    • Event Properties – you can add multiple event properties to an event group.

      As an example, say you want to group together all brands of purchased items for future analysis. You would first select the purchase event (e.g. “product_purchased”), and then select the event property that contains brand names (e.g. “product_brand”).

  7. Click Save.

Once the event group has been successfully created, it will appear under “Event Groups” on the Data Management page. From there, you’ll be able to edit, duplicate or delete it.

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