How to Run a Funnel Analysis

Running a funnel analysis is quick and easy. In this article, we’ll review the key steps and explain how to set funnel analysis parameters so you can generate insights that answer your product questions.

To learn more about the goals of funnel analysis, and to see examples of how it can help you understand user behavior within your product, see Funnel Analysis Overview.

1. First, create the funnel

Before you’re able to run a funnel analysis, you’ll first need to define the funnel and its structure. Defining the steps within your funnel, as well as their order, will be critical towards the success of your analysis.

To create a funnel:

  1. Once logged in to Loops, click the "Data Management" tab on the left side of the screen.
  2. In the left-side menu, click “Funnels”.
  3. Click the Create Funnel button at the top-right corner of the screen.
  4. Enter a name and description for your funnel.
  5. Define “Step 1” of the funnel by selecting the event(s) that should constitute it. (The search bar will help you locate any events that have been defined in the platform.)
    • Giving the step a custom name will make it easier to identify in the future.
  6. Click the “+” icon to add a new step (“Step 2”).
  7. Repeat Step E (above) for as many steps as you wish to add to the funnel.
  8. Click the Save button.

To learn more about creating a funnel see 'how to create a funnel'.

2. Set parameters for your funnel analysis

To run a funnel analysis, you’ll need to set a handful of parameters. These parameters will directly impact the results you see.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click the "Analyses" tab on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click the Run Analysis button at the top-right corner of the page, and select “Funnel Analysis”.
  3. Configure the parameters. To help guide you through this process, we’ve provided an explanation for each one below.

Entity Type

Select whether you want to aggregate data in the funnel analysis on the basis of individual users or teams (a defined group of users).

Funnel Definition

Select the funnel you wish to analyze. You may choose one from your bank of predefined funnels (as will have been created in the above Step 1).

Step Ordering

Choose whether the order of steps is important in determining whether a full-funnel conversion occurred:

To see examples of sequential and non-sequential funnel analysis and learn about Loops’ grace period for event timestamps, see 'How Conversion Is Determined'.

Maximum Days to Complete

Set the maximum number of days (if any) users have to complete the funnel. If the steps are completed beyond that number of days, it will not be counted as a full-funnel conversion.

Note that days are counted on an inclusive basis –  so if you set the parameter to “1 Day”, the funnel will need to be completed by midnight of the same day for full-funnel conversion to occur.

💡 Example:

Let’s say you set “7 Days” as the “Maximum days to complete” a funnel with Steps A, B and C. If a user completes all three steps by the 7th day of the funnel (6 days after Step A was completed), it will be considered a full-funnel conversion. If Step C is completed on or after the 8th day, it will not.

Time Frame

Select the time frame for which to perform funnel analysis. Only events that occur within the designated “Time frame” will be included and displayed in the analysis.

How it’s used to determine whether full-funnel conversion occurs:

  • If a user completes all funnel steps during the “Time frame”, it will be considered a full-funnel conversion.
  • If a user completes all funnel steps, but one or more steps occur beyond the “Time frame”, it will

Note that user activity will not be included in the funnel analysis if:

  • A user completes the first step prior to the designated “Time frame”, even if they complete all other steps during that period.
  • A user completes the first step during the “Time frame" and both of these conditions are met:
    1. The number of days remaining in the “Time frame” is less than the “Maximum days to complete”
    2. The user doesn’t complete the remaining funnel steps during the “Time frame”

Segment Filter (optional)

Define a segment or population for whom you wish to run the funnel analysis.

For example, you can limit the analysis to:

  • Users from specific countries
  • Users on a particular platform, device or OS
  • Users of a particular payment tier
  • Users who viewed a specific piece of content in the product

To learn more, see Segmentation filter parameter.

Types of Users (optional)

This parameter is relevant for activation funnel analysis. Here, you will choose whether the analysis should only include users who joined (a.k.a. activated, registered, downloaded, signed in to) your product or service during the designated “Time frame”.

If you select “Yes”, a user’s activity during the “Time Frame” will only be included in the analysis if their join date also occurs during that period.

💡 Example:

Say you want to analyze user behavior for your product’s improved onboarding process. Selecting “Yes” for this parameter will exclude users from the funnel analysis if their join date falls outside of designated “Time Frame” – even if they performed some of the steps during that period.

3. Name and run the analysis

Once you’ve configured of all your parameters, you’re ready to go:

  1. Click the Next button, which will open a pop-up (as illustrated below).
  2. Enter a unique name and description for your funnel analysis.
  3. Click the Run button and the analysis will be launched.
  4. An estimated running time will appear, and you’ll receive an email notification when the analysis is complete.

Once a funnel analysis has been initiated, it will appear in the “Analyses” section of Loops, under “My Analyses”.

There, you’ll be able to see its status (e.g. “Running”, “Completed”) and whether there was an issue that prevented it from running successfully. You’ll also be able to share it, rename it, re-run it, and perform a number of other activities.

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