Bayesian A/B test - Assignment type
1. Definition
Assignment type is a parameter that states where the assignment value (Control, Variant A, etc.) of users/accounts is stored.
2. Assignment types
2.1 Column
The assignment value is stored as a column in either Users, Accounts or Events tables. For example, Column experiment_45 in Users table.
2.2 Event property
The assignment value is stored as a property of an event (usually the event that is triggered as part of the experiment). You can add WHERE clause to filter for a specific event. For example, the assignment value is stored in the event button-clicked, WHERE type = export-button in event property experiment_31.
2.3 Custom SQL
The assignment is based on a SQL query you provide. It should include the user/account ID and the assignment value. For example,
SELECT user_ID, assignment_column FROM ab_test_table WHERE experiment_ID = 18